This page will list objects, animals, colors, and other things associated with Lucifer.
Note: Many of these associations may either contradict each other or come from various different sources. I may not have the knowledge to confirm the reliability of information presented here or compare it with widely accepted standards among practitioners. Apologies for this. Please do your own research and trust your own experiences in regard to the truth.
Air elemental.
Enn: 'Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer.'
Direction: East.
Colors: White, yellow.
Month: March.
Season: Spring.
Ritual: Enlightenment, spring equinox, initiations.
Description: Lucifer appears with long, black hair and blue eyes. His voice is considered average though he seems overly excited most of the time. He wears pendants of eagles. Twin to Lucifuge.
Popularized version of Lucifer's sigil. It is apparently intended for use in Asia.
'(...) the circular figure is that of Lucifer, the central figure of the three below it is the sigil of Claunech, while the left hand figure represents Lucifer in Europe and that on the right his dominion in Asia.' - quoted from The True Grimoire by Jake Stratton-Kent
Also known as: the Seal of Satan.
Origin: The Grimorium Verum (Grimoire of Truth) - 16th century.Purpose: used for communication, meditation, other ritual magic purposes.