
Books, articles, videos, and other sources of information on Lucifer, demons, religion, and magick will be listed on this page.

Note: Be aware that I have not read all of the books listed here and may not agree with the views of their authors. I am not responsible for their content and disclaim all rights to these works. Stay aware and critical of views expressed by any creator for your own safety and autonomy.

Literature and fiction

Paradise Lost by John Milton
Paradise Regained by John Milton
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Eloa, or the Sister of the Angels by Alfred de Vigny
Cain: A Mystery by Lord Byron
The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France
Lucifero by Mario Rapisardi (Italian language only)
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake

Lucifer and religion (luciferianism, satanism, etc.)

Lucifer: Princeps by Peter Grey

"A seminal study on the origins of Lucifer and the fallen angels, the foundation myth of the Western occult tradition."

Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism by Ruben van Luijk

The history of satanism and its place in the history of western culture.

Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture by Per Faxneld

Lucifer and Eve and their importance in women's history.

The Luminous Stone: Lucifer in Western Esotericism by Michael Howard and Daniel Schulke

"The nine essays found within The Luminous Stone examine the evolution of the light-bringer in both traditional and contemporary occult contexts (...) Also examined is the concept of Lucifer as the Witches’ God, present both in folklore and in the modern witchcraft revival, as well as his link with individual revelation, and the nature of the critical interplay between Light and Darkness necessary of Luciferian illuminism."

The Infernal Gospel by Rev. Cain

A book on traditional (theistic) satanism, various of which the author has written.

The Devil's Party: Satanism in Modernity by Per Faxneld and Jesper Aa. Petersen

"Self-declared Satanism is a controversial topic, which has largely been neglected by academia. This book fills that gap, with twelve scholars presenting cutting-edge research from the emerging field of Satanism studies."

Guatemala's Folk Saints: Maximon/San Simon, Rey Pascual, Judas, Lucifer, and Others by Jim Pieper


Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches

The Grand Grimoire (Also known as Le Dragon Rouge or The Red Dragon)

The Grimoire of Pope Honorius

Grimorium Verum
The True Grimoire by Jake Stratton-Kent

Le Livre des Esperitz
"[1) Lucifer was very beautiful and of such stature, as were the other good angels, and did not stay placed in the skies for the space of one hour, for he became proud by watching and contemplating the great beauty in which he was formed; and all those who were plotting evil with him were thrown into Hell in confusion. In fact Lucifer, according to what the doctors of nigromancy say, presides in Hell and all the aforementioned spirits of Hell obey him as the sovereign of Hell."
- quoted from 'Pandemonium' by Jake Stratton-Kent (which includes an English translation of the beginning of this grimoire)

Demons in general (reference)

Pandemonium by Jake Stratton-Kent

A comparitive study of various spirit catalogues, with a focus on practitioners rather than academics.

The Dictionnaire Infernal by Jacques Collin de Plancy

A classic demonology text from 1818 describing demons in hierarchies.

Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures by Theresa Bane

A demon dictionary encompassing many cultures and regions. More text than visuals.

Pandemonium by Simon Ed

Describes itself as a history of demonology as a discipline of study rather than a history of individual demons.


The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly

A popular foundational text for this magickal and/or religious practice. Answers many questions but may not satisfy some.

S. Connolly is a prolific writer on the topic of demonolatry and a look at her work overall may serve as an introduction to the subject.

The True Grimoire of Demonolatry: The Grimorium Verum for Demonolaters by Arundell Overman

"A new edition of the True Grimoire, or Grimorium Verum, a book of demons and spells written in 1517 in Memphis by Alibeck the Egyptian. In this edition we examine the book from the perspective of a Pagan, a Satanist, or a Demonolater, meaning, someone who approaches the demons of the book as gods, friends and allies."

Demon magick

Lucifer and the Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose

"A demon wants to fulfill its destiny by helping you obtain what you desire. When you get what you want, that is what the demon wants. This is the true harmony of magick."

Goetia Pathworking: Magickal Results from The 72 Demons by Corwin Hargrove

"Demons are famed for their speed, dignity, and willingness to cooperate with you.

What is less well known is that incredibly simple pathworking rituals enable you to make easy contact with these demons safely and reliably."

Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield

"Demons of Magick provides you with three rituals for working with the seventy-two demons of Goetia.

You will discover: The names of 288 angels used to constrain the demons. Words of Power for achieving altered states of consciousness. The safest and simplest methods for evoking demons."

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