About the owner

Hello! I am interested in the occult, Lucifer, and demons in general.

I feel admiration and reverence for Lucifer as an archetype of: lightbearer who brings knowledge, the planet venus and all of its associations, and as the devil who fights the tyranny of heaven despite its strength. He is an inspiration to live, to fight, to improve oneself and learn more every day.

Despite his modern conception as 'the devil' of christianity being able to be traced back to what was basically a misunderstanding regarding the word 'morning star' in latin having the same name as a minor Roman mythological figure, I do enjoy his character as a symbol of blasphemy and antagonism to the christian god. His depictions are complex and range anywhere from sympathetic to iredeemable, being a dynamic character who can embody light or darkness. Lucifer has captured the minds and hearts of many an artist, and I am no different in that regard.

I generally accept other religions and beliefs, including christianity and other Abrahamic religions. I am not inherently opposed to them. I do, on the other hand, despise acts of bigotry and cruelty, especially those committed in the name of religion. A person can be religious without being hateful - and should be, in my opinion.

If you are reading this, I hope that you enjoy your visit to my website and that it makes you think about your own spiritual, religious, philosophical, or psychological inner world. Thank you.

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